Wheel of the Year - Women Gathering Edition

The Wheel of the Year is an annual cycle, rooted in Celtic origins, which observes eight different seasonal festivals; Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon, and Samhain.

This cycle follows the sun on a complete journey of life, death and rebirth. Marking solstices, equinoxes, and the midpoints between them, each celebration represents turning points in our seasons and a complete year of nature’s rhythms. We see these rhythms reflected in our own lives when we slow down, connect to our senses, and notice the world around us.

In the fall of 2024 I took part in a guided group program of The Artist’s Way with the Curiosity Club. To say this program was game changing for me doesn’t cut it. I finished this 12-week course feeling more grounded in myself and with a creative excitement I hadn’t felt since graduating from design school almost 20 years ago. I also left with a new group of friends who are now creative family to me.

To celebrate completing this incredible journey we did together, the Curiosity Club hosted us at Togetherland, where we gathered, laughed, cried, ate good food, and supported each other. We also shared our final projects we worked on over the course of the program. This illustration and exploration into the Wheel of the Year was my project.

Each woman depicted here embodies an archetypal energy of one of the eight celebrations. Embracing the themes, symbolism, correspondences, and meaning behind each one. Just as each season comes and goes, serves its purpose, and passes on the torch, each of these women knows their worth and sees value in their contribution to the big picture. They trust in timing, themselves and each other knowing that by relying on each other, they all thrive.

In the past, and still today in many places, women gathering, practicing, and following their inner knowing can put them in danger. Trusting their intuition, living in tune with nature and taking up space as their true authentic selves can bring fear of accusations, and concern for their safety. Women gathering can be a radical thing.

Collaboration over competition is the inherent spirit of The Wheel of the Year. Every part is important and necessary for the whole to succeed. When we embrace that energy in our own lives, together as humans beings, we can create magic beyond our wildest imaginations.

If you’d like to pre-order your own copy of this print you can do so here. I should be shipping orders later in February 2025. Thank you!